Garrison Keillor is convinced America still wants to hear his voice.
The disgraced broadcaster's determination to reopen the "Prairie Home Companion" archives and revive his daily "Writer's Almanac" is at the heart of the bitter divorce talks with Minnesota Public Radio that broke down last week in an acrimonious exchange.
Both sides say they want to resolve the two-month standoff over what MPR termed "dozens of sexually inappropriate incidents" by Keillor toward a longtime writer for "Prairie Home."
Much is at stake. The archives, removed from MPR's website on Nov. 29, reflect more than 40 years of work — 1,500 episodes of "PHC" and thousands of episodes of "Writer's Almanac," which has helped promote unsung poets around the country for 25 years.
MPR said late last week that it "is committed to an agreement that restores access to the materials that are important to our listeners and others." Those archives were removed from MPR's website on Nov. 29, when the company announced its investigation of Keillor found he had engaged in "inappropriate behavior" with a female employee.
But the most challenging issue may be Keillor's insistence that he somehow clear his name, or at least lift the cloud that is making it difficult for him to continue publishing and staging shows around the country.
"What Garrison wants to accomplish is opening the doors and windows to his future — as a writer, as an essayist, as a novelist, as a speaker," said Eric Nilsson, Keillor's attorney, who has spent several weeks in mediation with MPR. "That is his goal. As you can appreciate, his life has been upended by what has transpired here. The mission is to get his train back on track. And I am confident we can do that."
Nilsson said Keillor wants to return to the bargaining table. MPR officials declined to answer questions about the status of negotiations, noting in a statement that the company and Keillor "signed a written agreement agreeing to the confidentiality of the process."