Kimberly Elise of 'Beloved' has good run around town; wily FOX 9 snags 2 shows

July 27, 2008 at 3:54AM

Kimberly Elise has been jogging right under our noses.

The Minneapolis-born actor was in the metro last week for the 20th anniversary of Independent Film Project-Minnesota, a center for media arts, at the Varsity Theater.

When the "Beloved" star arrived here Wednesday night she went for a little run, Elise told me after getting prodded by Jane Minton, exec director of IFP.

"I ran the 5K that was a part of the Aquatennial Torchlight Parade," Elise said when I caught up with her at KARE-TV, Channel 11, where she did an interview. "I ran all the way through downtown Minneapolis. I plan on getting to Lake Calhoun before I leave."

Elise likes to "take in the calm, peaceful energy that's here," where her parents, Erma and Marvin Trammel, still reside.

While watching startribune. com/video, please know I am suppressing the urge to break down Elise's "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" character like football game video. That Tyler Perry movie is so cathartic once Elise's character gets even with her abusive, cheating husband, but I'll never understand what took her so long to get with Shemar Moore. While it's true the man has only one expression and is nowhere near the actor Elise is, Moore is extremely arresting for a few minutes.

Stoked about two steals FOX 9 is tickled about stealing two locally produced shows from KARE.

News director Bill Dallman was so excited about landing the "Kent Hrbek Outdoors" show that the new exec sounded like Bob Casey announcing Hrbek's arrival in the batter's box at the Dome. Dallman said that was not an indication of a favorite.

"We wanted them both because 'Blueprint for Green' goes with the News Corp. company-wide initiative to save energy, use our resources, lessen our impact on the planet," Dallman said.

"Blueprint for Green," hosted by Randy Meier, will air at 6:30 a.m. Saturdays. "Kent Hrbek" is 10:35 p.m. on Sundays for Channel 9, right after our sportscasts, and then a different episode will precede Twins games on Channel 29," Dallman said.

Martha Stewart's show, also part of KARE's lineup, is coming to FOX, too.

"The show was up for renewal and we were able to make a deal for it," said Leslie Keane, veep of programming and research for 9 and 29.

Rest in peace, Bob

When sports anchor and reporter Bob Rainey got back to WCCO-TV after his first bout with cancer, we had a talk one day inside the Vikings' practice facility.

I told him that I'd been getting a lot of e-mails about him from viewers wanting to know where he was. It was obvious that he had lost weight. I said something like, I've got ink; anytime you want to talk, I'm ready to write.

He looked off into the distance and told me in a very soft, measured delivery, without any anger, that he realized he worked in a visual media and that you can't expect people not to notice. That was it.

He was a very private guy.

Between his two bouts with cancer, I easily got 500 e-mails. Many of you were concerned about how Bob looked and I forwarded maybe 20 of your e-mails to him.

Friends have asked me to share this story with readers.

One day during Mike Tice's tenure as coach of the Vikings, Bob and I were at Winter Park for the usual media dog-and-pony show with the players.

You see that woman over there? Rainey asked me. Yeah, I said. I haven't seen her out here before, he said.

I agreed with him and turned on my heels and probably went off to hassle Sid or somebody.

Ten minutes later, our paths crossed again. Rainey's next remark was something like: I wonder who she works for, haven't seen her around.

My interest in this woman could not have been lower. I nodded in agreement with Rainey and off I went looking for gossip.

I couldn't figure out why Bob was fixated on this woman, and I was totally baffled by why he was sharing that concern with me.

The third time I came close enough for him to whisper to me, Rainey tried again: You know, I don't think I've seen her out here before; she must be new.

I looked at him quizzically, but then the light bulb went on.

Awww. I get it. You want her name and you want me to find that out for you.

Subtle assignment finally understood, I went off to gather the vital information, without telling her why, returning later to brief Rainey.

For a TV person who had worked in Cincinnati, Louisville, Philly and Nashville, Rainey was an amazingly shy guy. My heart goes out to his mom, because it's hard to lose a child at any age.

Rest well, Bob.

C.J. is at 612.332.TIPS or

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