President Donald Trump's immigration plan, released last week, lays the groundwork for the Republican president's efforts to reshape the immigration system and rally supporters around an issue that's been central to his political identity.
Klobuchar: Trump 'using immigrants as pawns'
Klobuchar has not yet released her own comprehensive immigration proposal as a presidential candidate.

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, running to be Trump's Democratic opponent next year, found little to like in the proposal. Trump's plan would shift the U.S. toward a more merit-based system of immigration instead of a system that prioritizes family ties. It also directs more money to border security.
"The White House is once again using immigrants as pawns in a political game," Klobuchar said in a news release from her presidential campaign.
Klobuchar noted it includes no provisions to protect Dreamers — those brought to the U.S. illegally as minors — and no plans for refugees or asylum-seekers, or a path to citizenship for immigrants in the U.S. without documentation.
"This plan is far from comprehensive — and what we need is comprehensive immigration reform that moves our country and our economy forward," she said.
Klobuchar has not yet released her own comprehensive immigration proposal as a presidential candidate. In the Senate, she voted for a 2013 proposal that included a path to citizenship and strengthened border security.