Stan Kowalski's shoulders and knees are made of titanium, but nobody questions what's in the old wrestler's heart.
The man who was once dubbed "Killer" and "Krusher" and was part of a pro wrestling tag team called Murder Incorporated is now 85. But his 200 yearly appearances for the United Way and tireless campaigning for homeless veterans show that Kowalski will still go to the mat for any cause he believes in.
"There are 740 homeless veterans in Minneapolis and 7,000 around the state, and I want to know why nobody's taking care of them," Kowalski said.
"If it was your family, you'd do something. You don't just leave 'em. Somebody's gotta take care of them."
Kowalski is determined to be that somebody. Last year, he recruited 61 new members to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Last month, Kowalski, who lives in Blaine, organized and promoted a 9/11 memorial at Spring Lake Park High School.
He may no longer stand 6-foot-3 or approach 300 pounds, but when he says he's going to approach Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak about converting an old elementary school building into a home for destitute veterans, he'll probably have no problem grabbing the mayor's attention.
"I've got unions ready to come in and remodel an abandoned school and turn rooms into apartments," Kowalski said. "And when we get the veterans settled, I'm telling the Veterans Administration to do something to help get these guys jobs."
The man who says he's met kings and dictators and was Ronald Reagan's guest at the president's California ranch is anything but bashful. And he's surely not the villain he played in the ring.