The 2018 election appeared to be a do-or-die moment for Minnesota's labor unions.
Coming out of the 2016 election, when Minnesota Republicans added to their House majority and swept the state Senate, labor rightly feared the Wisconsinization of Minnesota. Leaders looked over at our neighbor to the east and saw a badly weakened labor movement and with it a right-to-work law and loss of collective bargaining protections. A gerrymandered Legislature seemed to guarantee Republican, anti-union dominance for the foreseeable future.
Then the Janus decision came down. That's the Supreme Court ruling that allows nonmembers to avoid paying dues, even for activities from which they benefit like collective bargaining. The ruling could have a potentially crippling effect on public unions like those that represent teachers and state workers, which is where most of the growth in union membership has come from in recent decades.
But labor's outlook has suddenly brightened with the Democrats' sweeping electoral gains, which came with an assist in dollars and volunteers from labor.
Gov.-elect Tim Walz spent more than 20 years as a classroom teacher and touts his union membership, but he has also cultivated a strong relationship with the building trades.
"We know he's going to be a strong advocate for us," said Adam Duininck, director of government affairs for the carpenters.
The carpenters want construction work, including public works projects, and a gas tax increase for roads and other transportation goals, as Walz has pledged. With a Democratic House, they're more likely to get it. And they want wage theft enforcement, and not just for union members.
"We try to represent all carpenters, even if they're not in the union," he said.