Minnesota's only other Super Bowl in 1992 also was the first and only time a woman handled the Vince Lombardi trophy presentation. More than 25 years later, famed sportscaster Lesley Visser was back in the state signing copies of her new memoir, "Sometimes You Have to Cross When It Says Don't Walk," at the Mall of America ahead of Super Bowl LII. The longtime CBS Sports reporter, who started in 1974 at the Boston Globe and remembered having to wait in parking lots for quotes before women gained equal access to locker rooms, shared some thoughts ahead of her 35th Super Bowl with the Star Tribune's Megan Ryan:
Q What was it like in Minneapolis for that first Super Bowl?
A It was so great. I was actually in Minneapolis so much because the Final Four was here, the World Series, then the Super Bowl. … [The trophy presentation] was quite an honor for me.
Q How has sports journalism changed for women in the field?
A It used to be we all knew each other really well, and what changed is now I don't know half the women. And that's great because that means women are growing up and saying, "I want to do that. I can do that." Whereas when I started, there weren't even ladies' rooms [in press boxes]. … I used to have to plan out where can I get to a public restroom. I always tell the other women that was what I did, I got ladies' rooms for you.
Q How did you come up with the title of your book?
A The title came from when I was 10 years old living in Ohio, and we lived in Cincinnati. At the time, this was the early 60s, women basically were three things: They were teachers or nurses or homemakers. And my mother asked me, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" And I said, "I want to be a sportswriter." And she said, it was very profound, she said, "That's great. Sometimes you have to cross when it says don't walk." That's really powerful because it gave me permission.
Is it so, Joe?
Joe Laurinaitis, the Minnesota-based pro wrestling legend better known as Road Warrior Animal and the father of former Wayzata High School and NFL standout James Laurinaitis, had an interesting perspective on this year's NFL playoffs.