You've probably been thinking, as I have, that we need a bit more traffic chaos in the city, a few more barriers to our daily commute.
Well, we're in luck.
Next Monday, MnDOT will close Franklin Avenue, where it crosses over I-35W near the Electric Fetus record store, to rebuild the bridge. That's the good news. Bridges are good.
Just last week, the city started striping 26th and 28th streets to extend the protected bike lanes from Portland Avenue to Hennepin Avenue. Nice. Bikes are good, too.
You may recall that the bike lanes became an issue last spring when Uptown business owners complained that they didn't get much, if any, notice that the lanes would eliminate hundreds of parking spaces for their customers.
Here's the new twist: MnDOT's detour of nearly 15,000 cars that use Franklin Avenue each day will go to two south Minneapolis streets, more than doubling the current traffic on those streets. Try to guess which ones.
(Pause for effect, cue Jeopardy music.)
I hope you bet all your money on the final answer because you are correct — 15,000 cars will be diverted to 26th Street going west and 28th Street going east at the same time long stretches of those streets will be restricted to one lane of traffic.