The liberal House Majority PAC just dropped $350k on Duluth TV ads targeting Eighth District Republican challenger Stewart Mills in this ad.
Liberal group plunks down $350K for ads in Duluth against Stewart Mills
Liberal group plunks $350k for ads in Duluth against Mills
Mills is running against incumbent Rep. Rick Nolan in the district that stretches from Brainerd to the Canadian border.
The backstory: Mills ran two years ago and lost by a mere 1.4 percent. The rule of thumb is once you go up on TV, you need to stay up on TV. Spending his own money this time, Mills went up on TV in early August -- rarely early for a challenger, but Mills has the cash. Nolan's internals must be taking a hit. House Majority PAC is playing in a lot of Minnesota pools this fall, reserving roughly $3 million in the Minneapolis market targeting Mills, GOP candidate Jason Lewis in CD2 and Rep. Erik Paulsen in CD3.
The lifelong northeast Minneapolis resident led a one-vote majority through the landmark 2023 session.