This being a newspaper, there should be a newsy reason I bring the following to your attention. And there is. Trust me!
Granted, my definition of "news" consists of things like "Bit-O-Honeys seem to have waned in popularity," but trust me.
How's this for a hook on which to hang a slab of freshly rendered news: We're in the summer vacation travel season, and that means many of you will be getting on a plane. If you're a modern-type person, this means beeping your phone over a glass plate. It's so gosh dang cool, no? Oh, how you look down on those low-tech types using a paper boarding pass. "Hey, gramps, do you also hunt for the TV listings in the newspaper to see what's on CBS so you can set your VCR? Ha, ha! You old ...
"Wait! My phone's dead. I forgot to charge it. I can't board. Your primitive way of doing things is actually superior, and has made me, the sophisticated user of technology, shamed by your example."
That never happens. No one misses a plane because their phone is dead, to use a phrase that would have seemed surreal 20 years ago. But there is an unspoken hierarchy of cool when these technological innovations settle into the mainstream. The people who beep! their phones on the reader are at ease in the ways of the new world, and the people with paper are like hunched peasants from the old country spreading out crumpled zlotys to secure a berth on the ship to Ellis Island.
Bad news for the proud moderns: The boarding pass on your phone is so first-quarter 2019.
From now on, you will use your face.
And there it is: the newsy hook. Soon Delta at MSP will let you use facial recognition to board, instead of getting out your phone with your hand and using muscles to put it somewhere, which is so 2018.