Editor's note: In 2012, as the 150th anniversary of the U.S.-Dakota War approached, the Star Tribune sought to explain the significance of the tragic time with a historical narrative, told through the story of Little Crow, a Dakota chief who, at times reluctantly, led the 1862 rebellion. This is part 6 of 6.
Snow drifted over the grass on the Dakota plains and the horses grew gaunt, their once-muscular flanks now a bony landscape.
Exiled into this harsh terrain in the winter of 1862-63, Little Crow and his followers watched the animals they relied upon for hunting and fighting grow listless in their hunger, making them easy prey for bitter winds. Some froze, their massive bodies finally collapsing in the deep snow. Others starved to death.
Little Crow had ridden west to recruit more bands to join his war against the white invaders, but they refused. Then he had turned north to Canada, hoping to revive an old Dakota-British alliance his grandfather forged during the War of 1812. That, too, failed.
By spring, his once-grand ambitions to retake the land pilfered through broken treaties had shrunk to this: Little Crow was on foot, slipping back into Minnesota to steal half a dozen horses for his children.
His followers had dwindled to fewer than 20, including his son, Wowinape, 16.
Even as his profile among the Dakota declined, Minnesota officials became obsessed with tracking down the man they viewed as leader of a rebellion that had proven humiliatingly difficult to put down. While Little Crow and his son walked east from what would become the northern edge of North Dakota toward the Minnesota River valley, Henry Hastings Sibley was riding west, intent on capturing him.
"I shall take no backward step until I have secured Little Crow and his band of murderers," Sibley told a crowd in the summer of 1863. He had been promoted to brigadier general for finally quelling Little Crow's bloody revolt the previous summer, in which roughly 600 settlers and U.S. soldiers were slaughtered.