Minnesota's Peace Officer Standards and Training Board has 15 members – 14 appointed by the governor, plus the superintendent of the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. Current members are:
Chair Timothy Bildsoe (2019), Public Member, tbildsoe@gmail.com
Medaria Arradondo (2020), Peace Officer, medaria.arradondo@minneapolismn.gov
Dave Bentrud (2018), Chief of Police, david.bentrud@ci.waiteparkpd.mn.us
Andrew Evans (Ex-Officio), BCA, andrew.evans@state.mn.us
Mark Fahning (2020), Peace Officer, mark.fahning@state.mn.us
Clarence Castile (2021), Public Member, ccastile651@gmail.com
Joel Olejnicak (2020), Higher Education, jolejnicak@fdltcc.edu
Joel Powell (2019), Higher Education, powell@mnstate.edu
Vacant, Police Chief
Kevin Stenson (2021), Elected Official, kstenson@cityoflindstrom.us
Rebecca Swanson (2018), Higher Education, beckys@alextech.edu
David Titus (2019), Peace Officer, dtitus@sppdfederation.com
Kent Wilkening (2019), Sheriff, kwilkening@co.nobles.mn.us
Troy Wolbersen (2019), Sheriff, troyw@co.douglas.mn.us
Jim Yang (2020), Peace Officer, chou.jim.yang@ci.stpaul.mn.us