A Louisiana nonprofit that specializes in "lessening the burdens of government" will help Bloomington build one of the nation's largest water parks beside the Mall of America.
City leaders voted this week to hire Provident Resources Group to play a crucial role in the unusual borrowing arrangement they are pursuing for the proposed $250 million park, which would occupy nearly six acres north of the mall. Under the plan, Provident would borrow money to build the park and then own it — reducing the financial risk for the city.
The mall proposed the water park, but its representatives have said the facility would not generate enough money to cover private interest rates. City leaders came up with an alternative plan that aims to lower borrowing costs without risking the city's credit rating.
The public will have some financial risk, however. In the event the park doesn't earn enough to pay its debt, the city will take advantage of a special state law allowing it to increase sales taxes at the Mall of America to cover the shortfall. Tax dollars will also pay about $50 million for a parking ramp and skyway, as well as up to $8 million to prepare the site.
Provident was one of five nonprofit organizations that sought to be a part of the deal. The organization has helped build student housing at universities across the country and has also been involved in senior and affordable housing projects. One of its tax-exempt services is to "lessen the burden of government." This year it partnered with local authorities to build two convention center hotels in Texas.
It has financed about $4 billion altogether for its other projects, according to a letter to the city. Provident CEO Steve Hicks said the water park will be the nonprofit's first entertainment property.
"It was an exciting project based upon what we saw that had been developed by the Mall of America team," Hicks said.
For its services, Provident said it would charge a $250,000 one-time fee and $175,000 per year, with a 3% increase each year.