Scene and Heard: Lunafest film festival celebrates women in the arts

For the Minnesota Star Tribune
May 30, 2015 at 10:40PM

Lunafest, a traveling film festival featuring short films by, for and about women, made a stop at the Riverview Theater in south Minneapolis.

In addition to being treated to eight award-winning short films, guests had time to discuss the films over cocktails and appetizers at the Birchwood Cafe in south Minneapolis afterward.

The Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute brought Lunafest to the Twin Cities as a fundraiser for the institute, as well as for the festival's main beneficiary, the Breast Cancer Fund.

Lunafest, sponsored by the maker of Luna bars, will travel to more than 150 cities to celebrate women in the arts.

Following LUNAEST: Minneapolis Film Festival, the party continued at Birchwood Cafe in south Minneapolis. ] (SPECIAL TO THE STAR TRIBUNE/BRE McGEE) **
After the film festival, the party continued at Birchwood Cafe in south Minneapolis. (The Minnesota Star Tribune)
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Bre McGee