Some of Hollywood's brightest stars climbed aboard this baggage cart for a photo op at the Milwaukee Road depot in Minneapolis on May 8, 1942. Can you identify all of them? I'll give you three: That's Cary Grant, of course, in the first row, second from right, and Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are at top right. See the end of this entry for a complete caption. (Click here to see a larger version of the photo, or hit Ctrl + or Cmd + to enlarge this image.)
Receipts in
Twin Cities
Hit $65,000
Hollywood's Greats
Give Admirers
A Field Day By Robert F. Murphy Hollywood's troupe of touring benefit stars in two shows set up boxoffice records for indoor events in the Twin Cities yesterday, playing before packed houses at St. Paul auditorium in the afternoon and in Minneapolis auditorium at night. St. Paul's announced gross receipts were $28,329, and those in Minneapolis are expected to be about $36,000, a Twin City total of about $65,000. Receipts, after deduction of expense, will be split between army and navy relief. AND, JUDGING BY COMMENT AFTER THE SHOW, IT WAS WORTH IT. * * *
Stars paraded for more than three hours before delighted spectators, displaying a wealth of beauty, talent and special abilities. The whole thing was kept on an informal basis, with Bob Hope, Cary Grant, Bing Crosby and others tossing in frequent ad-libs.

Joan Bennett at the Nicollet Hotel: Doesn't she look adorable in this dress? The show took the curse off a lot of previous celebrity personal appearances. Each of the stars showing did something, and Bob Hope's dexterity as master of ceremonies was taxed to keep things from being tied up by encores. The show was smoothly staged and ably directed, and constituted a field day for admirers of film talent.
THE PROGRAM WENT SOMETHING LIKE THIS: The chorus of eight starlets opened with a number introducing Hope. DESI ARNAZ GOT A HEAVY HAND WITH TWO SONGS ON THE LATIN ORDER. Groucho Marx and Olivia De Havilland kicked some nonsense around in a domestic skit. Cary Grant appeared in a skit and thereafter spelled Hope at mastering ceremonies.
* * *
JOAN BLONDELL DID A THREATENED STRIP-TEASE NUMBER. Laurel and Hardy went through a skit having to do with Laurel's driver's license. Charlotte Greenwood sang a ditty called "SHALL I BE AN OLD MAN'S DARLING OR A YOUNG MAN'S SLAVE," and did one of her famed eccentric dance numbers. Claudette Colbert appeared in a kidding match with Hope.
Frances Langford sang a brace of numbers. Arnaz, De Havilland, Frances Gifford and Charles Boyer appeared in a dramatic sketch, and BOYER, who became an American citizen in February, INJECTED A HEFTY PATRIOTIC PUNCH WITH A BRIEF TALK. Ray Middleton sang two numbers, one written especially for the show. Frank McHugh and Fay McKenzie acted in a bedroom farce, with Stan Laurel coming in for the blackout.