You could call him Chester, the name most people know him by. Or call him Bruce, the name he gave a reporter recently as his given name. Or Charlie, the name he gave to an outreach worker.
Whatever you call him, Chester would just as soon you don't come calling at the West Bank encampment that he's called home for at least the past 14 years.
But Chester's world is about to change. A new bike trail that's expected to draw hundreds of riders daily is being built just feet from this urban squatter's domain. A city rehab is scheduled for the bridge overhead that keeps the rain and prying eyes from his shed, his abandoned vehicles and the folk art that decorates his compound.
Yet Chester lived there through most of the nearby Interstate 35W bridge reconstruction, and steadfastly refuses to live anywhere that involves dealing with a landlord. He's an outlier as the number of Minneapolitans living outside declines in response to concentrated efforts to end homelessness.
Chester and his companion, Marcia, survive partly on government benefits, partly by their wits, and partly because local residents and politicos keep an eye out for them.
Zev Radziwill, who lives in a condo next to Chester, remembers spotting him on the nearby University of Minnesota campus as far back as the early 1990s. Chester cuts a memorable profile, adorned one recent afternoon in his signature battered top hat with a seam split open, a dusty black velvet smoking jacket, turned-up black jeans and incongruous brown wing tips.
"He's been here longer than most of us," Radziwill said. Condo residents and others who know him say Chester keeps other vagrants from setting up camp in the bluff-top park, and chases away anyone who might be messing with parked cars.
At 62 with a bad hip, Chester is hardly an imposing figure. "That makes me vintage," he said one recent spring afternoon. He survives on less than $400 a month from General Assistance and food stamps, plus whatever Marcia collects in tips playing the fiddle at venues like the Stone Arch Bridge. A good share of that goes to buy food for the offspring of a feral cat who chose his encampment as a place to have her litter.