Toni Carter watched her son the mayor bounce with excitement as he announced an amnesty for 51,000 St. Paul library cardholders who owe money for overdue books.
"He's a book guy," explained the longtime Ramsey County commissioner.
St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter's proposal would wipe the slate clean for delinquent cardholders whose rights to borrow have been revoked since 2009. Carter not only wants to forgive more than $2.5 million in accumulated fees, he wants to eliminate late fees altogether. He is asking the City Council to approve $215,000 in additional library funding for 2019 to replace revenue collected each year in fines.
"That will unlock the doors to our libraries, so that we can truly say that everyone in our community is welcome at the St. Paul Public Library and that everyone in our community can afford to check out a book from the St. Paul Public Library," Carter said to applause Wednesday at the Rondo Community Library.
Carter has proposed a total library budget for 2019 of $20 million, a 3.2 percent increase from this year. If the City Council approves Carter's plan in October, officials say that St. Paul will join Washington County and other cities outside Minnesota, including Salt Lake City, Nashville and Eau Claire, Wis., in eliminating late fees.
For years, St. Paul Public Library staff members have discussed eliminating late fees as a way to make the library accessible to everyone. After more than six months of research, including interviews with library users, Carter joined forces with library staff to propose doing away with the fees.
Library users would still be asked to pay for lost or damaged items.
The mayor, who as a child spent hours curled up with books at the public library near his house, said he met many people across the city who admitted they haven't been to the library in years because of late fees. It's time, he said, to let them come back.