You could view the conciliatory gesture last week by UnitedHealth Group CEO Bill McGuire to voluntarily forgo any more millions in option grants as a first try at a low-cost settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
It may take a lot more than that.
The government's top securities regulator is investigating the extent to which McGuire, one of America's best-paid bosses, was able to pick the dates of some of his option grants to coincide with low-water prices for UNH's shares.
The company told the Star Tribune this week that the board of directors had to approve the selected dates and that the practice was halted in 2005.
Still, some securities lawyers say, such practices may violate securities laws, because they allow insiders to benefit from knowledge not available to other shareholders.
"Dollar Bill" has made lots of news with cash-and-stock paydays that have topped $100 million in recent years -- and he's still sitting atop stock options valued at $1.6 billion. McGuire's admiring outside board members -- 10 of whom have become millionaires through the sale of their own appreciated stock in recent years -- have defended his league-leading compensation on grounds that the giant health insurer's stock price has been a superb performer.
However, the national scrutiny this week came amid news that the SEC is investigating whether McGuire and the board broke any laws. The Minnesota attorney general also has jumped into a shareholder suit seeking to get to the bottom of the matter.
Others are less concerned with option-dating and more concerned with the cumulative effects that big paydays for executives at UnitedHealth are having on the health care industry.