Minnesota health officials have confirmed nine cases of Legionnaires' disease in Hopkins — up from five late last week — in the state's largest outbreak of the disease since the mid-1990s.
Investigators with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) are homing in on the source of the bacteria, which has infected only people who live and work in Hopkins. Health investigators from Hennepin County and the state are looking at several Hopkins-based businesses, including a Supervalu warehouse, a plastics facility called Thermotech and an outdoor Cargill fountain, among other sources, said Health Department spokesman Doug Schultz. Cooling units used for air-conditioning on large structures are often the culprit.
Legionnaires' disease, which resembles a serious case of pneumonia, is spread by inhalation of fine spray from water sources containing Legionella bacteria. It can be treated with antibiotics and is rarely fatal. The disease is not spread person to person, and cannot be contracted from drinking water. Hopkins drinking water is safe, authorities said.
Five people became ill between Aug. 4 and Sept. 1, the state Health Department said. Another person developed Legionnaires' disease last week and three more cases were confirmed on Thursday. At least four people are currently hospitalized. Two others were treated and have since recovered. The patients are all over age 50 except one, who may have had preexisting conditions, officials said.
Many of those who fell ill live within a 2-mile radius of the possible sources, Schultz said.
The outbreak is part of an uptick in cases this year — both in Minnesota and nationally. Minnesota typically sees 50 to 60 cases of Legionnaires' disease annually, but more than 60 cases already have been reported in the state so far this year.
No clusters have been reported in outstate Minnesota. Outbreaks are more likely among vulnerable adults in hotels, long-term care facilities and hospitals, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They're often linked to cooling towers, cooling misters, decorative fountains or plumbing systems.
Each of the Hopkins businesses has already taken steps to disinfect its facilities, Schultz said. Sometimes that involves "super-chlorination." Samples taken from each water source will not yield results for another week or two.