A few days before Christmas, 1,400 employees of Starkey Hearing Technologies gathered on the company's Eden Prairie campus for a pep talk.
It had been a tough three months. Sheriff's deputies had escorted the company's longtime president, Jerry Ruzicka, from the premises after his abrupt firing. The company terminated a succession of other veteran employees, and FBI agents searched the houses of several ousted executives for evidence of unspecified crimes.
Now company leaders — led by founder Bill Austin and his stepson, Brandon Sawalich — attempted to rally the troops. They reminded their shocked employees that Starkey was coming off its best year ever. Annual revenue had reached $800 million and was growing steadily. New hearing aids were selling well.
"People think, 'Oh my gosh, Mr. Austin has terminated four top executives. How does this company survive?' " Senior Vice President Sawalich said in a recent interview with the Star Tribune. "Well, we are not run by a bunch of people who don't know what they're doing. … We have a deep talent pool. The company is healthy and financially strong."
Austin and Ruzicka built Starkey into one of the world's top hearing aid companies through almost half a century of attentive salesmanship and, in recent years, technical innovation. The company and its related foundation are well known for hosting A-list celebrities and the political elite at epic fundraisers each year, as well as for donating hundreds of thousands of hearing aids to the needy.
Now Starkey is attracting a much different kind of attention. At least 20 managers and high-ranking employees are gone, including Ruzicka, who led Starkey for 17 years. Several former workers have sued the company. In one suit, Ruzicka accused Austin and Sawalich of a host of improprieties, from knowingly using defective parts to spending company money on personal expenses.
In response, Starkey's lawyer accused Ruzicka of stealing millions of dollars. Company officials have said the focus of the federal investigation was on former employees, not Starkey, which — according to a letter sent by federal authorities — may have been the victim of an unspecified crime.
As legal maneuvers continue, Starkey faces big challenges. In an industry where innovation is hugely important, Starkey's new patent filings reached a nine-year low in 2015. Its share of the fast-growing veterans market is shrinking. And its national network of independent dealers faces challenges from both big-box retailers and the Obama administration, which wants to reshape the way hearing aids are sold in an effort to bring down cost.