Tom Stockstill capped his early morning Black Friday shift at Herberger's by joining dozens of protesters across the parking lot, who were chanting in front of Walmart in St. Paul's Midway neighborhood.
"What do we want? $15! When do we want it? Now!" he and other supporters of a $15 minimum wage yelled. For Stockstill, the change would boost his hourly wage by $5.50 and move him out of the "crackerbox" room he lives in.
A powerful coalition of unions, progressive activists and religious leaders are amplifying stories like Stockstill's. The group that pushed Minneapolis to institute a $15 minimum wage for all workers has turned its influence and energy to St. Paul. They recently called on Mayor-elect Melvin Carter to uphold his campaign promise of passing a citywide minimum wage by the end of summer 2018. Although Carter will not take office until January, supporters and opponents of a new minimum wage have been discussing it for months.
Service industry members are holding listening sessions, the nonpartisan Citizens League is preparing to study the change, Midway Chamber of Commerce had a minimum wage discussion with City Council President Russ Stark and the coalition of supporters kicked off their efforts with a September protest outside City Hall. Even a high school algebra class at Washington Technology Magnet School is talking about it.
The class invited Council Member Amy Brendmoen to discuss the issue last month. Together, they did the math. If someone is making $10 an hour, just over the state minimum of $9.50, how much is left over for gas or groceries or haircuts after they pay $900 for rent? Not much, they discovered.
Carter and some council members say a citywide minimum wage is one of the best ways to help the 22 percent of St. Paul residents living below the poverty line. While the change has long seemed inevitable — all the top mayoral contenders backed a $15 minimum — the details of how to enact it and whether to exempt some workers is up for debate.
"I have a very open mind. I really look forward to hearing what the Citizens League finds out," Brendmoen said. "It's much more of a conversation about what's right for us, because we're not Minneapolis, we're not Seattle, but we do want people to be paid a living wage."
'A thousand questions'
The coalition of minimum wage supporters is similar to the group that encouraged St. Paul to pass a paid sick-leave requirement. An organizer said they plan to hold protests, meetings and rallies to push for change.