Minutes before police encountered Thurman Blevins on a north Minneapolis street corner last month, a woman called 911 to report a wiry man in a tank top walking through her neighborhood, firing a gun.
"[T]here's a guy walking around shooting off his gun and he looks intoxicated and um, that's just not safe around here," the unidentified woman told the 911 dispatcher. "He just blew off a shot like five minutes ago and before that he got off another shot 20 minutes ago."
As the dispatcher tried to engage her, the woman described the man as about 6 feet tall and weighing 180 pounds, according to a transcript of the call, released Monday on the city's website.
Parts of the five-minute call were inaudible, while other sections of the transcript were redacted.
Blevins, who is black, was killed June 23 in the Camden neighborhood, after leading officers on a brief foot chase that ended in an alley off N. 48th Avenue, between Aldrich and Bryant avenues. A gun was recovered at the scene, authorities said.
The two officers who shot him, Ryan Kelly and Justin Schmidt, have been placed on administrative leave pending the investigation, according to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.
Both of the officers were previously the subject of multiple civilian complaints, but none of the complaints resulted in discipline, according to records maintained by the Office of Police Conduct Review.
Police spokeswoman Sgt. Darcy Horn on Monday confirmed that only one 911 call had been made, and not two as has been widely reported. Otherwise, she declined to comment.