Minneapolis police want to identify and question two people seen at the Bde Maka Ska/Lake Calhoun pavilion just before it was destroyed by fire last week.
Police released images from city-owned surveillance cameras that showed a man and woman sitting and standing by the pavilion minutes before the fire. The blaze is still under investigation, and though storms rolled through the city that night, officials have ruled out lightning as a cause.
"We are not confirming that this is an arson," police spokeswoman Sgt. Darcy Horn said at a news conference Tuesday. "This is a criminal investigation."
The fire, which was reported shortly before 4 a.m. Thursday, broke through the roof of the pavilion, where the Lola on the Lake restaurant concession operated. The building was deemed "unsalvageable" by a structural engineer and is expected to be demolished in the near future.
The man and woman were captured by the cameras at the pavilion between 3 a.m. and 3:30 a.m., according to police. Selected images from the video show them around a table, and one shows the man leaning by a pavilion wall in front of what appears to be a sparking object next to a recycling bin and trash can.
Another image shows a dark sedan leaving the area.
One of the photos released shows what appears to be the man holding a long object. Horn would not say what it was.
"We don't want to add any speculation to those pictures," Horn said. "We want help to identify the people in those photos for this investigation. And that's going to be the extent of what we're going to say right now."