One of the most troublesome landlords in Minneapolis has sold all his rental properties in the city, ending a long-running battle with city officials over repeated housing violations.
Spiros Zorbalas accumulated 2,131 violations over a five-year period, including such violations as illegally installed water heaters, work done without permits and roach and rat problems. He had faced revocation of rental licenses for all 38 of his Minneapolis properties.
Council Member Gary Schiff, a persistent critic, called the sale good news. "Renters won't be displaced and Spiros Zorbalas is out of business," he said Wednesday.
Minneapolis developer Steve Frenz, who already owns numerous rental properties in the city, confirmed that he bought the buildings.
Frenz promised that renters will see a prompt response to their complaints, but said they'll also see rent increases.
"I don't think we have a choice," he said, adding that Zorbalas charged rents that were below market rates.
"There are mostly winners here," he said. "It's a win-win for us. It's a win-win for Zorbalas. It's a win-win for the city and most residents will see it that way, but I think some are going to be unhappy with where their rents are going to end up."
While increases for low-income renters will not be dramatic, he said, "it is going to be difficult for them. I think some will decide to look for housing elsewhere."