For years, the bags of photographic negatives lay forgotten on the floor of a south Minneapolis garage.
Dust, leaves and grit found their way inside the bags, but by some stroke of fortune no one tossed the old photos in the trash.
Now, rescued by the photographer's family members and painstakingly restored and digitized by Hennepin County Library staff, those 850 images are a time capsule of the Twin Cities black community of the late 1940s.
The photographer, John Glanton, shot weddings, receptions, parades, baptisms, funerals, political demonstrations, football games. People dancing, embracing, drinking and smoking, relaxing in living rooms, playing with children, marching on parade, bowling, golfing. Grinning babies propped up on couches, young couples staring into each other's eyes, men in wide-brimmed hats and double-breasted jackets sharing beers, a woman lying in a coffin.
There's something missing, though. Glanton died at age 80 in 2004, and he didn't leave behind any photo captions.
So on Tuesday, the Hosmer Library at 347 E. 36th St. is inviting the public to visit between 10 a.m. and noon to view the pictures and help identify who's in them. The hosts are Anthony Scott, Glanton's nephew and the one who shared the collection with the library; his sister, Dr. Chaunda Scott; and Ted Hathaway, special collections manager for the Hennepin County Library.
(You can also view and tag the mystery photos by going to on the web.)
Hathaway said it's the first time the library has mobilized the community to identify a photo collection. A number of the photos show infants and toddlers who would be about 70 years old now.