The fatal shooting of Justine Damond by a Minneapolis police officer has elicited strong reactions, from Mayor Betsy Hodges to Australia's prime minister, who this week demanded answers in what he called a "shocking killing."
But one voice was conspicuously missing: that of the union that represents the city's 860-plus police officers.
In the days since the shooting on the city's southwest side, Minneapolis Police Federation President Lt. Bob Kroll has repeatedly declined requests for comment on the shooting of the 40-year-old woman by officer Mohamed Noor.
The normally outspoken Kroll said he would wait until the completion of the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension's investigation into the incident.
When pressed on the union's silence, Kroll said this week that he was vilified after he publicly defended the two officers involved in the November 2015 shooting of Jamar Clark.
Kroll said that Hodges and Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau "condemned me for my swift response" after he came to the defense of the two officers involved, Mark Ringgenberg and Dustin Schwarze. Both were later cleared in separate federal, state and internal probes.
"The chief came out one complete year later and regurgitated what I said," Kroll said in a series of text messages Tuesday. "But I was the hated [one] for it all."
Kroll said he came out in defense of the officers in the Clark case only after speaking with their attorney. "In this case, I don't know the facts of it," Kroll said. "His attorney is handling and the Federation is remaining silent. This is how our board and attorney decided to handle this one."