For years, Minneapolis encouraged landlords to evict tenants as a first resort when police are called to the property.
This aggressive approach by the Minneapolis Police Department to eliminating nuisance properties sometimes went beyond the bounds of the law, a city investigation showed. Victims of domestic violence have been kicked out of their homes after calling 911 for help. When tenants complained that a landlord had locked them out, police wrongly informed them that it's a civil matter.
A report from the Office of Police Conduct Review and interviews with tenant lawyers reveal a shadow eviction practice that's an end run around legal protections for tenants, conducted through secret messages to landlords and neighborhood leaders and intimidating "notice to vacate" letters from landlords to tenants.
Council Member Phillipe Cunningham said the report is "scandalous," and has pledged to overhaul the 28-year-old "conduct on premises" ordinance that set out the rules for handling problem rental properties.
"It's harming vulnerable renters and also it's not addressing chronic criminal behavior," said Cunningham, who has convened work groups involving 30 city staff and five community groups to revamp the code.
The police department suspended its enforcement of the ordinance two months ago and reassigned Luther Krueger, the crime prevention specialist who ran the program in recent years. Police did not make Krueger available for an interview.
Passed in 1990, when crack houses were a neighborhood menace, the conduct on premises ordinance was intended to force landlords to help shoulder the burden for law enforcement. The city trained landlords to use the threat of eviction as a primary tool of dealing with trouble. Offenses as minor as underage drinking could prompt the city, at the discretion of Krueger, to mail a notice of violation to the landlord. The landlord then had 10 days to respond with a plan to correct the problem. Often, the plan was simply to kick the renter out.
"The notices that get sent out to landlords as a result of some kind of criminal activity on the property can lead to a notice to vacate, which is a more subtle version of an eviction," Imani Jaafar, the director of the Office of Police Conduct Review, said in a May presentation to the City Council's Public Safety Committee.