Finding "substantial evidence of procedural irregularities," the Minnesota Court of Appeals handed a victory to environmentalists Tuesday, ordering that a district court review the state's handling of a key water quality permit for PolyMet Mining.
The ruling marks the third inquiry that has been launched into a permit issued late last year by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Earlier this month, the EPA's Inspector General opened an investigation into the agencies' handling of the permit, and then Minnesota Legislative Auditor Jim Nobles said he would conduct a review.
Among the irregularities noted in the Appeals Court order Tuesday: The EPA didn't submit its written comments on the draft of PolyMet's water permit for the public record, and instead read them to Minnesota officials over the telephone last year. Opponents of the proposed mine say that amounted to suppressing significant environmental concerns raised by EPA staff.
The ruling is a huge win for conservation groups who challenged the water permit, including WaterLegacy, the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, the Center for Biological Diversity, Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness and the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.
Kathryn Hoffman, chief executive of the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, on Tuesday called for a stay on all permits PolyMet needs to proceed.
"With a federal investigation, a state investigation, and now a district court hearing … it's time to hit the pause button," Hoffman said. "Now Minnesotans can finally get answers about what MPCA was trying to cover up about the PolyMet permit."
MPCA spokesman Darin Broton said the agency will fully comply with the court inquiry. He said the 14-year permitting process for PolyMet was rigorous and involved frequent communication between the state and EPA.
"Clearly, in retrospect, the agency probably should have been a lot clearer with the EPA about how and when communications occurred," Broton said.