A shake-up in funding has some Minnesota arts groups on edge.
Three of the state's corporate foundations are revamping their grant programs, leaving theaters and dance troupes, museums and orchestras looking for new ways to pay for core activities. The Target Foundation recently notified many arts organizations that it would be phasing out the big, flexible grants on which they depend. Wells Fargo is switching from charitable grants to sponsorships, while 3M is focusing on diversity.
Those announcements amplify a decline in corporate giving that some arts organizations have been feeling for years. Companies' foundations are giving less flexible funding that can feed a group's general work. Instead, they're aiming their dollars at sponsorships — which come with strings attached — or specific projects.
In some cases, under corporations' new granting guidelines, arts organizations could still qualify. Diversity? That's their mission, too. But in other cases, the arts need not apply. General Mills, for example, has moved much of its giving to food security.
"There's a number of businesses that want to align their giving priorities with their business priorities," said Katie Berg, director of development for the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra. "That's a big change. … Historically, giving to the arts has been more about a general sense of philanthropy in its purest form."
According to a Grantmakers in the Arts report last year, "Corporate support for the arts has not fared well since the start of the new century." While overall giving by all types of foundations rose 59% from 2000 to 2014, support for arts and culture dropped 3%, after adjusting for inflation.
Nationwide, corporate foundations are putting their money into causes that line up more closely with their company priorities, said Steven Lawrence, the report's author. Meanwhile, newly formed foundations are less likely to give to the arts.
"The future is really a little scary for the arts sector," he said.