An Anoka County resident who is Minnesota's third case of COVID-19 is hospitalized in critical condition, leaving state epidemiologists without the individual's immediate help to identify close contacts who might also be at risk of infection.
State health officials who announced the finding Tuesday said the priority is the patient's health and recovery. So they are relying at first on information from the patient's relatives to identify and evaluate those contacts, said Kris Ehresmann, infectious disease director for the Minnesota Department of Health.
"Certainly there will be exposures," she said. "But this is another situation where the individual and family took great care to isolate, and that makes all the difference in the world for our work and for the community."
The Anoka County resident appears to have been infected in another state through contact with international travelers, she said. Minnesota's first two cases also were associated with travel — as was a case announced Monday in nearby Pierce County, Wis. That is significant to health officials because it means there is no evidence yet of the virus spreading from person to person in either state.
Ehresmann said Minnesota is still pursuing a containment strategy to prevent or slow the arrival of the coronavirus, which first emerged in China in December. The state consequently has not yet recommended the cancellation of mass events that might be necessary if the virus gains a foothold here.
"When we get to the point where we are seeing multiple cases from multiple different areas, that is when we would start to look at a stronger community mitigation message. … Even as we are focusing on containment, we need to be thinking about the next steps," she said.
Many organizations are taking better-safe-than-sorry precautions, including the Osceola, Wis., school district, which canceled classes Tuesday so that its buildings and buses could be sanitized.
The Pierce County case involved someone who wasn't aware of being infected until after attending a Destination Imagination regional tournament at Osceola High School on Saturday.