Thirty-five years ago, a Minnesota judge sentenced Craig Dennis Bjork to three consecutive life sentences in prison for the grisly murders of two women and his two young children. But that didn't stop Bjork from killing again.
Now the notorious mass murderer could face the death penalty.
Minnesota abolished capital punishment in 1911. But after decades of violence and escape plots from behind prison walls, the state transferred Bjork to Oregon, where he allegedly killed another prisoner. Prosecutors are seeking capital punishment, meaning Bjork, now 57, could be the first Minnesota prisoner sentenced to death in modern history, according to corrections staff and criminal justice experts.
Human rights groups say the unusual case shines a spotlight on the "randomness" of the death penalty in America, and how geography determines if a crime is punishable by execution.
"As a state that abolished the death penalty more than 100 years ago, Minnesota should consider refusing to transfer its prisoners — and the taxpayer dollars that go with them — to states where the death penalty remains on the books," said Michele Garnett McKenzie, deputy director for nonprofit The Advocates for Human Rights. Bjork's attorney in Oregon, Gordon Mallon, said he's looking into whether Bjork being committed to Minnesota's corrections system will be an issue in the case.
Oregon prison officials denied a request to interview Bjork in person. In letter correspondence, Bjork agreed to talk over the phone, saying he had "nothing to lose." But he reneged after a Star Tribune reporter declined to pay him $100.
"Nothing is free," wrote Bjork, saying he needed the money for postage and phone calls related to the interview, much more than the actual costs for these services.
"If not, I wish you well," Bjork wrote. "I'm genuine."