Tom and Kristi Kuder began to notice dramatic changes in their son's behavior in 11th grade.
Previously a straight-A student, he lost focus on his schoolwork and spent hours alone in his room with the shades drawn. He filled notebooks with nonsensical messages and drawings. Perhaps most disturbing was the labyrinth of electrical wires that he stretched across his room, enabling him to activate lights, stereos and doors from his bed.
"We kept wondering: Is this just a kid with a creative mind, or is this a mental illness?" said Kristi Kuder.
Across the state, parents like the Kuders are about to get some long overdue support. After years of grass roots lobbying by such advocacy groups as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the 2015 Legislature approved funding for an innovative program that offers early detection and treatment of psychosis in young people. The goal is to reach young patients before their mental illness advances to a profound and harder-to-treat stage.
While the funding is modest — $1 million through 2019 — the impact could be far-reaching by calling attention to a problem that often goes untreated. State officials estimate that 1,500 youth in Minnesota have an initial episode of psychosis each year.
Through local grants, the state hopes to create a network of early outreach and psychosis prevention programs in areas of the state with high concentrations of youth homelessness, suicides and poverty. The initiative will be modeled on a highly successful program at the University of Minnesota that is considered pioneering for its engagement of family members.
"I'm hoping this is a game changer," assistant Human Services Commissioner Jennifer DeCubellis said in an interview. "It's small dollars now, but it enables us to show that … life trajectories can be turned in the opposite direction."
74 weeks untreated
Psychosis is notoriously difficult to detect early in its onset. Often, it surfaces in early adolescence with disorganized thinking and memory problems. Without treatment, a young person can descend into delusion and isolation, making their condition less manageable. Many lose their ability to focus on school or work. Often, the symptoms go untreated until a young person is hospitalized.