To the FBI, they were part of a Minnesota militia group possibly gearing up for a violent showdown with the government.
Members of the group, called United Patriots of Minnesota 3%, say they're nothing more than patriots defending hard-won liberties secured by a handful of forefathers who stood against tyranny.
No one has been charged in the investigation, which spilled into public view recently when a federal judge unsealed search warrants in the case. But the probe underscores the complexity of balancing protected speech with trying to root out domestic terror.
Soon after agents kicked in the door to his Red Wing home last December, Jason Thomas documented the aftermath of the raid on Facebook: photos of belongings strewn across his kitchen and a copy of the search warrant, signed by a federal judge, alleging that Thomas and his fellow United Patriots members schemed to illegally obtain and use powerful weapons.
The raid of Thomas' home followed months of infiltration by a paid FBI informant who documented what agents said was firearms training in Stillwater and Albert Lea and chatter on a secret Facebook page that Thomas helped run. Another man under investigation allegedly built AR-15 assault rifles out of unfinished rifle kits for members whose criminal backgrounds prevented them from legally acquiring firearms.
In court documents, the FBI described the "3 percenters" as a militia that "believes in the violent resistance to, or intended overthrow" of the government. The group formed after Barack Obama's 2008 election to the presidency. Its name derives from the belief that the American Revolution was waged by just 3 percent of the population.
In applying for warrants, federal agents noted multiple Facebook posts by Thomas, including a March 2016 guarantee that he would "be one of the first to start killing Feds."
"I'll openly say that like I always have," Thomas wrote. "And [I] am actually trying to build up our capacity to challenge them."