In its financially troubled early years, the University of Minnesota leaned heavily on a wealthy South Carolina slave owner to stay afloat in the late 1850s.
St. Cloud State historian Christopher Lehman unearthed the long overlooked connection between the fledgling university and onetime South Carolina Gov. William Aiken Jr. while analyzing territorial real estate deeds.
"The University of Minnesota lives today thanks in no small part to hundreds of slaves on a plantation in Charleston," Lehman writes in the current issue of Hennepin History magazine. "If unfree African Americans had not generated the planter's wealth, he would not have possessed the funds to assist the institution."
Flour milling magnate John Sargent Pillsbury, who became Minnesota's eighth governor in 1876, has long been credited as the U's savior. He joined the Board of Regents in 1863 and then spearheaded a three-man commission aimed at erasing the school's debt.
Lehman, an expert on Minnesota's slavery connections, not only makes the case that Aiken's contributions predated Pillsbury's, he accuses Pillsbury of starting a nearly 150-year-old coverup of the slave owner's involvement. In its report to the governor in the 1860s, Pillsbury's panel failed to mentioned Aiken's early injection of thousands of dollars.
"Pillsbury initiated the erasure of Aiken from the university's history," Lehman says, adding that historians who followed proceeded to call the flour king the "father of the university."
Aiken was 51 when he first ventured to Minnesota in the early summer of 1857. A few months earlier, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the landmark Dred Scott case that slave owners could maintain possession of their human property even in such non-slave territories as Minnesota.
That sparked a flow of Southerners heading north — seeking real estate opportunities and cooler places to relax in the summertime. Steamboat service made the treks easier — as did the money earned on the backs of slaves.