Medical cannabis is significantly reducing anxiety and other symptoms in people suffering post-traumatic stress disorder, a new state health survey shows.
More than seven in 10 survey respondents said that after a few months, medical pot was helping with their PTSD, and a similar percentage showed "clinically meaningful" reductions on a screening tool that measures the severity of their symptoms, according to the report released Thursday by the Minnesota Department of Health.
The results validate the decision to add PTSD, starting in 2017, as a qualifying condition for medical cannabis in Minnesota, despite limited clinical research to suggest that it can work, said Dr. Tom Arneson, a research manager for the state's medical cannabis program.
While the data suggest that cannabis itself is helping people, Arneson said, their participation in the program also "has made them more willing to participate in psychological therapies, or feel like those therapies are more effective for them. That's something I'm very happy to hear."
PTSD is one of 14 medical conditions that qualify Minnesotans to receive medical cannabis in pill or oil forms. Alzheimer's disease is the most recent condition to be added to the list as of this month.
PTSD is marked by anxiety and stress, and it involves people reliving the feelings of traumatic incidents in their lives. It now accounts for 18% of the 17,202 people on the state's cannabis registry, making it the second most common qualifying condition behind intractable pain.
The Health Department is receiving petitions for additional conditions through July, and the state health commissioner will decide in December whether to add any. Arneson said survey data show cannabis working at varying levels for all of the current conditions, including seizure disorders, cancer and inflammatory bowel disease.
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While PTSD is often associated with soldiers or military veterans, they represented only 19% of the PTSD cannabis users in the state survey. Arneson said cannabis worked at similar levels for civilians and military members, although service members reported more reductions in hyperarousal, which involves heightened alertness and anxiety.