Minnesota's Pope County has resettled one refugee in the past 10 years.
This is Trump Country, a bright patchwork of farms, lakes, rolling prairie and towns with names like Starbuck. In 2016, Donald Trump carried Pope County with 60% of the vote.
Refugees are welcome in Pope County.
The vote was unanimous.
"Hey, Gordy," a woman at the post office greeted Pope County Commission Chairman Gordy Wagner on Friday. "When are those refugees coming?"
"What?" Wagner asked, confused.
Pope County hasn't had a role in refugee resettlement since the Vietnam War, when local churches banded together to sponsor five families. They all eventually moved on to warmer states, but Wagner has heard that the kids come back sometimes to visit the teachers who helped them learn English.
But this year, the Trump administration decided to give states and counties veto power over refugee resettlement and gave them barely a month to make their choice.