Even if St. Paul voters say no to an organized trash collection system next month, the city will have to hold up its end of a five-year contract with haulers, the state's highest court ruled Wednesday.
The Minnesota Supreme Court's ruling sets the stage for a stark choice for St. Paul residents Nov. 5: Keep the current system of paying quarterly bills for garbage collection, or pay for it through a hefty hike in property taxes.
"The referendum this fall is no longer a question about whether or not our coordinated collection system will continue, but about how we will pay for it," Mayor Melvin Carter said at a news conference at City Hall on Wednesday afternoon.
In August, the Supreme Court directed that a referendum appear on this fall's ballot, rejecting the city's contention that the contract with haulers superseded that right. But the court on Wednesday affirmed another argument by the mayor: The city was bound to honor the contract with haulers, no matter what voters decided.
Carter warned in August that a "no" vote on trash could lead to hefty property tax hikes, because the city would have no authority to make residents pay their trash bills. The City Council voted 5-2 last month to set the levy limit at 22% so it could bring in enough tax revenue to cover an estimated $27 million for trash collection.
Carter said Wednesday that he's talked to residents on both sides of the trash issue. "I encourage voters to educate themselves on the impacts of a yes vote and on the impacts of a no vote, and participate in the public process," he said.
The Supreme Court ruling is the latest twist in the turbulent rollout of citywide trash collection in St. Paul. Until a year ago, residents could choose their own haulers — or none at all — but under the current system, property owners are required to pay for trash collection and are assigned a hauler based on location.
Opponents have argued that organized collection is more expensive and fails to reward those who produce little or no waste. Supporters, including a majority of the City Council and the St. Paul DFL, which endorsed a "yes" vote on the referendum, have countered that the system reduces illegal dumping and truck traffic on city streets.