Out-of-state payday lenders will have to follow Minnesota's strict lender law for Internet loans, the state Supreme Court ruled Wednesday.
The ruling sides with Attorney General Lori Swanson, who filed suit against Integrity Advance, LLC in Delaware in 2011. The company made 1,269 payday loans to Minnesota borrowers at annual interest rates of up to 1,369 percent.
In 2013, a district court concluded that the company violated Minnesota's payday lending statutes "many thousands of times" and awarded $7 million in statutory damages and civil penalties to the state. The company appealed to the Supreme Court, arguing that the state payday lending law was unconstitutional when applied to online lenders based in other states.
In Wednesday's opinion by Justice David Stras, the court rejected that argument, holding that Minnesota's payday lending law is constitutional.
"Unlicensed Internet payday lenders charge astronomical interest rates to cash-strapped Minnesota borrowers in contravention of our state payday lending laws. Today's ruling signals to these online lenders that they must abide by state law, just like other "bricks and mortar" lenders must," Swanson said.
The ruling is significant as more commerce moves to the Internet. Minnesota has been a leader in combating online payday lenders, which can charge extremely high interest rates. Swanson has filed eight lawsuits against online lenders since 2010 and has obtained judgments or settlements in all of them.
The benefit of payday loans is that they allow borrowers to pay their basic living expenses in advance of their next paycheck. However, many borrowers rely on the loans as their main source of long-term credit and don't repay them on time, incurring extra charges.
State law requires payday lenders to be licensed with the Minnesota Department of Commerce. It caps the interest rates they may charge and prohibits them from using the proceeds of one payday loan to pay off another.