Despite the time and hope that John Charles Carr's mother invested in helping him fight his meth addiction, deep in her heart she knew her only son would meet a tragic end.
When police arrived on her Amery, Wis., doorstep Monday night to tell her that Carr had been shot by St. Paul police after allegedly confronting them in a motel with two large knives, she was grateful that no one else was harmed.
"I guess I've always known that this was probably how it was going to end," his mother, Linda Menge, said in a weary voice Tuesday evening. "I always felt that he was in pain. At this point, I feel that he's out of that now."
Carr, 36, died after being shot multiple times about 7:30 p.m. in the Super 8 Motel at 1739 Old Hudson Road. Police spokesman Sgt. Pete Crum said callers dialed 911 to report that Carr was suicidal, armed with knives and possibly high on meth.
Police would not say what may have led to Carr's mental state Monday, but court documents, his mother and his stepfather paint a picture of a man tortured by addiction, violence and mental health problems.
Linda and Mitch Menge, said Carr started using meth when he was about 20. He dipped in and out of the addiction, and his behavior reflected it.
'He wasn't always on drugs'
When he wasn't using, his parents said, he was a well-liked guy who worked and who loved to fish, camp and take his two children to waterparks.