The so-called "Montauk Monster" is burning up the Web. On CNN's site, the creature copped the no. 1 story spot Monday (beating out "Racy Photos of Toddler's Mom" and "Killer Carried Victim's Head").
The story so far: In mid-July a woman snapped a pic of something washed up on the shore in Long island's East Hamptons. It looked to have the body of a mammal, the flippers of a turtle, and the schnoz of a raptor. posted the pic last week and — this being the dog days of summer in more ways than one — speculation spread like a bad smell across the blogosphere. Was it a giant deformed rodent? A half-dog, half-triceratops experiment from nearby Plum Island? A completely fake and very successful viral marketing ploy?
Wildlife experts including Jeff Corwin of "Animal Planet" weighed in on Fox News and elsewhere a with much more boring hypothesis: It's a raccoon with its a muzzle partly rotted away, hence the beaklike protuberance. And another photo posted at bears that theory out. Well, it was fun while it lasted.
Montauk Monster burning up the Web
An unidentified creature that washed up on the beach in Long Island's East Hamptons has caused an uproar online.
August 4, 2008 at 10:23PM