More Rhymesayers 20 lists: underrated catalog albums and a personal top 10

Staff members pick some lesser-sung gems out of their 20-year discography, and our critic names his all-time favorites.

December 3, 2015 at 7:34PM
E&A: Eyedea & Abilities record
Eyedea & Abilities, “E&A” (The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Rhymesayers staff picks the label's most underrated albums

Musab's "Respect the Life" (2002), picked by Kevin Beacham, marketing specialist: "Musab had undergone this big transformation, and his stuff didn't really fit in with the sound people were looking for from Rhymesayers at the time. But if you go back and listen, you'll see it's a really emotional and personal album, and really some amazing writing on it."

Grayskul's "Deadlivers" (2005), picked by Skye Rossi, chief financial officer: "It was just a really amazingly produced record, but I don't know if it was ever well understood by the Rhymesayers audience. Those two guys [Seattle rappers Onry Ozzborn and JFK] were pretty out-there lyrically, in a cool way. I think they might fit today's sensibilities a little better."

Semi-Official, "The Anti-Album" (2003), picked by Jason Cook, chief operations officer: "Lyrics by I Self Devine, cuts by DJ Abilities and even guest raps by MF Doom and Gene Poole. Put on your headphones at turn it up."

I Self Devine's "Self-Destruction" (2005), picked by Siddiq, label president: "It was an amazing record, really bold and smart and intense. For whatever reason — maybe the timing wasn't right — it just didn't seem to get the attention I thought it deserved, but it holds up strong."

The Dynospectrum, self-titled (1998), picked by Slug: "It was from four guys who were all very different rappers. Me and Musab were a lot alike then, but I Self Devine had a kind of staccato sound and was ahead of the world on slang. And then Gene Poole was just a total spitfire/ball of fire. At the time, I thought it was an incredibly exciting collaboration."

Chris Rhymenschneider's all-time RSE top 10

1. Eyedea & Abilities, "E&A"

2. Brother Ali, "The Undisputed Truth"

3. I Self Devine, "Self Destruction"

4. P.O.S., "We Don't Even Live Here"

5. Atmosphere, "God Loves Ugly"

6. Aesop Rock, "Skelethon"

7. Soul Position, "8 Million Stories"

8. BK-One, "Rádio Do Canibal"

9. Psalm One, "The Death of Frequent Flyer"

10. Felt, "Vol. 2 — A Tribute to Lisa Bonet"

Musab, "Respect the Life"
Musab, "Respect the Life" (The Minnesota Star Tribune)
Greyskul, “Deadlivers” (The Minnesota Star Tribune)
The Dynospectrum, self-titled album (The Minnesota Star Tribune)
I Self Devine, “Self-Destruction” (The Minnesota Star Tribune)
about the writer

about the writer

Chris Riemenschneider

Critic / Reporter

Chris Riemenschneider has been covering the Twin Cities music scene since 2001, long enough for Prince to shout him out during "Play That Funky Music (White Boy)." The St. Paul native authored the book "First Avenue: Minnesota's Mainroom" and previously worked as a music critic at the Austin American-Statesman in Texas.

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