Thirty-eight years after Minneapolis allowed a Kmart parking lot to block one of its prime streets, Nicollet Avenue, efforts to reverse the unpopular decision are finally gaining momentum.
The City Council will take an initial vote next week on buying a parcel of land formerly occupied by a Supervalu grocery store, which comprises part of the 10-acre "Kmart site" at Lake Street and Nicollet Avenue. The action will also allow city staff to enter a two-year exclusive option to purchase the land beneath the Kmart itself, which is owned by a New York investor.
The plan announced Thursday marks perhaps the most significant breakthrough in talks to reopen the corridor, more than 15 years after the city began seriously considering it. Negotiations have been bogged down, in part, by a complex web of owners and tenants who occupy the site, including Kmart, whose lease there extends until 2053.
Officials were careful Thursday to temper expectations about the speed of the development, since it will take time to reach consensus with Kmart, develop a design for the street and determine how to pay for the project. "People should not be expecting bulldozers or construction any time soon," said Peter Wagenius, the mayor's chief policy aide.
It will cost about $5.2 million to purchase the grocery site — with a closing expected in December — plus another $800,000 to move forward with the Kmart land option. City staff expect those costs will initially be paid through an account largely funded by city-owned property sales, which would be repaid with leftover money from old tax subsidy districts.
Other funding questions haven't been decided, including how the city would pay for the remaining $7.2 million cost of purchasing the Kmart land or other project expenses like building a new street. The city would recoup at least some of the costs in the future by selling land for private development.
Kmart wants in
Kmart would like to have a new store in the development. Despite Kmart closings around the country, the company has said its Lake Street location is one of the most successful in the country. "We look forward to seeing a new workable redevelopment and financial plan for the site that includes a new Kmart store," Kmart representative Darin Broton said in a statement Thursday.
The parcel formerly occupied by the Supervalu was previously expected to be purchased by a developer representing Walgreens, but the sale never took place.