For my last entry, I tried something new for this blog: I reached out to several local and national Asian American activists and asked them to write about their first protest. Protest could be broadly defined as an action to stand up for what you believe in, and did not necessarily mean picketing or marching.
The responses were varied – as to be expected for any blog, especially one that concerns activism and community action. Looking at the responses, however, indicates that this idea is a necessary one: even the detractors indicate the idea of Asian American activists is offensive or ridiculous. Which just proves how important it is to create this space, in opposition to the idea that Asian Americans are not a people, do not have a voice, do not take action and stand up for their communities.
And of course, thanks to those who wrote in positive notes encouraging future installments! I'm glad you liked reading those stories as much as I did. I also hope the existence of this space and these stories continue to be interesting and useful to our communities. Here, 5 more local and national Asian American community folks write, in their own words, their story.
Just a few weeks into my college years, planes smashed into buildings on the Atlantic coast, and a few weeks after that was my first protest.
The energy behind it was all desperation and no strategy, but we were mourning and we were terrified, and that was all we could come up with. Early October of 2001 was a very intimidating time to be speaking out about anything, although the 'issues'—the 'War on Terror' and plans to invade and occupy Afghanistan—begged to be articulated and resisted. Three days before the first bombings, forty people gathered on the college campus, marched on the sidewalks of residential Tacoma, lined up on a prominent thoroughfare for a candlelight vigil, and then headed home. The event was polite and inconsequential; as I was in it, walking awkwardly with a placard over my head, it felt daring and risky. I tapped into a confidence and determination I wasn't aware I had.
Of course, the bombings happened, as did the invasion and occupation of Iraq, and simultaneously there developed an anti-war movement that had many huge mobilizations but not much teeth. That was a formative time for me; it was the first time I felt genuinely caught in the sweep of history, attempting to answer its many demands. I was a timid and antisocial person going into college, so my evolution to a primary activism 'hub' on the campus—attending meetings every day, posting flyers between classes, writing outraged newsletters, sounding off chants at the head of a march—was very exciting and powerful, if unexpected.