Nation/World briefs

June 11, 2017 at 12:08AM
Washington, D.C.

Sessions to appear before Senate intel panel

Attorney General Jeff Sessions will appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee Tuesday as it investigates Russian meddling in the election. Sessions recused himself from a federal investigation into contacts between Russia and the Trump campaign after acknowledging that he had met twice with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. He had told lawmakers at his confirmation hearing that he had not met with Russians during the campaign.


Confederate statue removal cost $2.1 million

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu's administration said it cost more than $2.1 million to remove four Confederate monuments.

Media outlets report the city paid $1.04 million, while private donations totaled $1.07 million. The amount includes security and logistics for the removal and protests at the monuments.


Man is charged in Notre Dame attack

The hammer-wielding man who attacked police near Notre Dame Cathedral appears to have radicalized himself on the internet and was unknown to French intelligence services, the chief prosecutor in Paris said. The Algerian doctoral student received preliminary charges of attempted murder of a police officer in connection with a terrorist enterprise and crime of terrorist conspiracy.

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