When you enter the century-old Carnegie library that houses the National Music Museum, your first impulse might be to wonder why there's a cannon in the lobby. Upon further review, it turns out to be a 10-foot-long, 1,000-pound Thai drum, mounted on a carriage for easier transport.
And that's your first clue that this museum is brimming with things you'll never see anywhere else.
The museum, set in the heart of the University of South Dakota campus in the prairie town of Vermillion, is considered one of the world's top three or four collections of rare musical instruments. The 15,000 or so instruments in the collection (about 1,200 of which are on display) are rife with descriptors such as "first," "oldest," "best" and "only."
This charming old building bursts with treasures, such as the world's oldest cello. The oldest playable harpsichord. One of two existing mandolins crafted by the legendary Antonio Stradivari, and one of five guitars made by him. They have Stradivarius and Amati violins and violas.
The museum has more than a dozen saxophones made by the instrument's inventor, Adolphe Sax. There are trombones with so many twisting tubes that they look like a Dr. Seuss creation. Harmonicas so small you could fit them on a postage stamp.
There are instruments that once were common but are now obsolete: lutes, citterns and a bombardon, a bass tuba that looks like only a giant would have the lung power to get a sound out of it. There are bouzoukis and nyckelharpas and hurdy-gurdies. In short, it might be easier to name something they don't have.
Renaissance to Dylan
The question that naturally arises is: How did this world-class collection of instruments — worth tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars — wind up in South Dakota's 11th-largest city, a community an hour south of Sioux Falls whose charming old Main Street extends for only four or five blocks?
It began with Arne B. Larson, a native of Hanska, Minn., who wound up as a high school band director in Brookings, S.D. He also pursued old band instruments, spending his free time searching attics and barns for rare examples.