Neal Justin's TV picks for Sept. 13-17: Walt Disney, Vanessa Williams, 'Moonbeam City,' 'The Mindy Project'

Walt Disney may be one of the most influential forces in pop culture history, but it's always been difficult to get a handle on him, especially when it comes to his less-than-Technicolor personal life. "American Experience: Walt Disney" is more than a Mickey Mouse effort to paint a full biography, clocking in at four hours with plenty of commentary from historians and animators. His drive, which led to breakthroughs in animation as well as breakdowns in personal relationships, provides as much perspective as you could expect from such a complicated figure. Among the most fascinating chapters: an insightful look at the making of "The Song of the South," an ambitious, often brilliant project that Disney embraced, despite the racially insensitive content. 8 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, TPT, Ch. 2
Here comes the judge
All appears to be forgiven between the 2016 Miss America Competition and Vanessa Williams, who was forced to relinquish her title 32 years ago after pictures of her in the buff appeared in Penthouse magazine. The singer/actress, who will serve as head judge, should be honored with a replacement crown or, at the very least, a paper hat from Burger King. 8 p.m. Sunday, KSTP, Ch. 5
Angel gets her wings
"The Mindy Project," the latest network series to be revived by a streaming service after cancellation, may not be among TV's best sitcoms, but it occasionally manages to come up with some killer lines, as it does in this season-premiere spoof in which Mindy fantasizes that she never started a relationship with Danny and instead ended up with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. "It was like 'It's a Wonderful Life,' except it was in color and it wasn't boring," Mindy says, waking from her dream. Quips like that will keep us tuned in. Starts streaming Tuesday on Hulu.
Cheap detective
Does TV need another "Archer"? Not if it's "Moonbeam City," a poor replica featuring the smug voice of Rob Lowe. He plays an '80s style detective who keeps tripping over his own ego in a semi-committed attempt to stop crime. Despite the high-powered cast, which includes Elizabeth Banks and Will Forte, the whole operation feels second-rate. 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, Comedy Central
Neal Justin