A heated dispute over the future of Bremer Financial could hinge on figuring out who controls a majority of the voting shares.
It is not as simple a question as you might think.
A foundation that bank founder Otto Bremer set up in the 1940s controls most of the stock of Minnesota's fourth-largest banking company, and the trustees have an offer for the firm that they believe could bring twice its book value of about $1.1 billion. Last week they announced plans to sell, arguing that this would dramatically boost the trust's philanthropic resources.
But many of the Bremer Trust's shares do not have voting rights, potentially complicating the plan. The St. Paul bank's 10-member board opposes it, on the grounds that the profitable company can continue to grow and prosper on its own.
To move forward, the trust has called for a special meeting of Bremer Financial shareholders to replace opposing board members.
That's where the math could come into play. In recent years the trust has controlled only 20% of the bank's voting shares, a fact that was underscored in a 2011 court ruling that found that the trustees "do not control the board of directors" of the bank.
But the trust believes the situation has changed because it sold some of its nonvoting shares, which converts them into voting stock.
On Oct. 23, Bremer Trust, which owned 100% of the Class B nonvoting shares and 20% of Class A voting shares, sold nearly 7% of its nonvoting stock to institutional investors, who the trust says had the right to convert those shares to voting shares.