We've been renovating.
Nearly 90 foolproof holiday cookie recipes just got easier to find
Find nearly 90 gotta-bake recipes — from 17 years of the Star Tribune Holiday Cookie Contest — in an upgraded, easy-to-use format at Startribune.com/cookies.

In conjunction with our 17th annual Star Tribune Holiday Cookie Contest, we've reorganized and drastically improved our online recipe archive.
Now when you go to Startribune.com/cookies, you'll find a complete digital source for all things cookies, including nearly 90 foolproof recipes, culled from the past 17 years of competition.
The biggest upgrade? Multilayered search functions that follow a wide range of formats.
There's a handy keyword section, so if you're in the mood for "cardamom," the search engine will direct you to Cardamom Crescents, Cardamom Shortbread Cookies and Cardamom Orange Zest Cookies. Type in "maple," and you'll discover Bacon Cornmeal Venetos, Nut Goodie Thumbprints and our terrific 2019 winner, Whiskey Gingers (see recipe).
For those who prefer to browse by baking method, click on the "bar" module and the results will yield Almond Triangles, Kit Kat Christmas Bars, Almond Ricotta Bars and other delights. (Yes, we firmly believe that bars can be cookies. Unless they're brownies and then they're not.)
Or if you're in the mood for a classic "refrigerator" cut-and-bake formula, you'll be rewarded with Cappuccino Flats, Almond Palmiers, Cranberry Pecan Swirls and Cinnamon Bun Cookies.
Our upgraded "Features" section organizes recipes into a wide range of categories: "Winner" (Swedish Almond-Chocolate Macaroons, Pistachio Orange Cookies and 15 other top-prize recipes), "Fun with kids" (Chocolate Peppermint Cookies, Candy Cane Sugar Cookies), "Chocolate" (Mocha Cappuccino Cookies, Devil's Delight Cookies) and more.
The permutations are seemingly endless. But the bonuses don't stop there.
Printing out recipes is now incredibly easy, as is sharing the recipes with other bakers. Photos are clear and bright. The new format also includes interviews with each contest participant, which reveal the stories behind the recipes.
Oh, and another extra: The archive works equally well on desktop computers and mobile devices.
(Reminder: There's an analog version of this collection of recipes. It's called "The Great Minnesota Cookie Book," University of Minnesota Press, $24.95, which contains every recipe from the contest's first 15 years. It's available for purchase at Startribune.com/shop.)
The only qualities missing from this online cookie app? An ability to preheat the oven and wash the dishes, in a single click. Next time.
Rick Nelson • RickNelsonStrib