As days shorten and darkness dominates, even the hardiest Minnesotans retreat indoors. While getting cozy inside with a hot drink and close friends or family isn't a bad thing, those who love to get out and enjoy nature may find themselves a bit despondent.
While not a perfect substitute, one proven pastime can offer a small taste of outdoor activities, even while waiting out a blizzard: board games. But not the type many people think of, with their stereotypical themes of science fiction, historical economics, colonization or fantasy.
"Those themes are awesome; they have good player bases," said Paul Zenisek, owner of Heroic Goods and Games in Minneapolis, "but they've also been intimidating for a lot of people to come into."
In recent years, board games with nontraditional themes have emerged to find critical and commercial success, embracing interests beyond what a newcomer might expect. In fact, said Zenisek, the game that's been the hardest to keep on the shelves this year is Wingspan, which celebrates birds and bird-watching.
"I think [the board game industry] is much more varied now than it has been," Zenisek said, noting these new themes have made the hobby "much more accessible" for newcomers.
With the doldrums of winter around the corner, we've picked out five nature-themed board games for outdoor-loving Minnesotans to consider — options that are beginner-friendly and may offer a bit of relief until the sun comes out.

For whom? Minnesotans who miss the splendor of migration
Players: One to five