Nerve damage in knee jeopardizes career of Vikings DL Floyd

The 2013 first-round pick had surgery in the fall, but complications have arisen.

By An­drew Krammer, Star Tribune

March 31, 2017 at 11:49AM
Minnesota Vikings defensive tackle Sharrif Floyd (73) during the first day of the team's NFL football training camp at Mankato State University in Mankato, Minn. on Friday, July, 29, 2016.(AP Photo/Andy Clayton-King)
Vikings defensive tackle Sharrif Floyd in 2016 training camp. (Ken Chia — AP/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Sharrif Floyd's play­ing ca­reer is threat­ened by a nerve is­sue in his right knee caused by last Sep­tem­ber's sur­ger­y to re­pair his me­nis­cus, a league source told the Star Tribune.

Floyd, one of the Vi­kings' three first-round picks in 2013, missed all but one game last sea­son af­ter under­going ar­thro­scop­ic sur­ger­y on his right knee. Com­pli­ca­tions from the op­er­a­tion have af­fect­ed a nerve and the quad­ri­ceps in his right leg, which still aren't work­ing prop­er­ly six months later. He is con­tinu­ing to re­hab with the hope of a full re­cov­er­y, the source said.

USA Today first re­port­ed Floyd's con­di­tion.

Floyd, 25, is signed for next sea­son un­der a fifth-year op­tion, which the Vi­kings ex­er­cised last May. His $6.757 mil­lion was pro­tect­ed against in­ju­ry, so the Vi­kings could not have cut or restructured Floyd's con­tract be­fore his sal­a­ry was full­y guar­an­teed at the start of the new league year March 9.

Brian Mackler, Floyd's a­gent, did not re­spond to multi­ple re­quests for com­ment but told USA Today that "Sharrif is rehabbing, has seen some of the best doc­tors in the coun­try, will con­tin­ue to re­hab and hope­ful­ly this will heal soon­er than later."

Leg in­ju­ries have stunt­ed the quick-foot­ed Floyd, who has missed 20 games and parts of more in the past three seas­ons. He has under­gone at least two oth­er knee op­er­ations, in­clud­ing one in 2015 to re­move car­ti­lage from his left knee that forced him to miss most of four games.

Floyd hasn't spok­en pub­lic­ly since his lat­est sur­ger­y but post­ed a cryp­tic mes­sage on his Instagram ac­count last week "to the big guy #upabove."

"I'm down on one knee pray­ing my road doesn't end here," Floyd wrote. "There are so many more lives to touch, so much more joy to spread. You've be­lieved in me for to long to turn your back now. Don't let me go out this way. All I ask is for a fight­ing chance… this game means so much to me and the foun­da­tion is still be­ing laid one stone at a time."

The Vi­kings shed little light last sea­son on Floyd's sta­tus while he re­mained away from the team for near­ly three months af­ter Sep­tem­ber sur­ger­y. He wasn't placed on in­jured re­serve un­til De­cem­ber, when coach Mike Zim­mer main­tained Floyd had only under­gone the one sur­ger­y on his right knee.

The op­er­a­tion was per­formed by Dr. James An­drews at the An­drews Institute in Pen­sa­co­la, Fla., the team an­nounced at the time. To no avail, the Vi­kings sent Floyd to see spe­cial­ists for his knee through­out last sea­son.

USA Today re­port­ed Floyd ac­tu­al­ly need­ed an ad­di­tion­al pro­ce­dure last fall on his knee. How­ever, the nerve is­sue im­pact­ing his quad has con­tinued into this offseason.

Since Floyd was tak­en 23rd over­all in the 2013 draft, he's com­piled 57 solo tack­les, 9.5 sacks and a forced fum­ble in 44 games.

With Floyd's play­ing fu­ture un­known, the Vi­kings signed form­er Packers de­fen­sive end Datone Jones in free a­gen­cy this month and plan on mov­ing him to Floyd's po­si­tion. Pass-rush specialist Tom John­son is also un­der con­tract, but the Vi­kings have been scout­ing de­fen­sive tack­les in the up­com­ing draft.

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An­drew Krammer, Star Tribune