To be successful, "you have to be brutally honest about a player's weaknesses," Matt Limegrover explained, "really kind of cutthroat about what he can't do -- and yet you have to be careful not to cause too much friction. You stay supportive, because you want him to have a great year for you."
Not a bad philosophy for a football coach, right? Except that the Gophers new offensive coordinator wasn't talking about his experience coaching college kids. He was reminiscing about his internship assignment: Helping prepare salary-arbitration cases for the Chicago White Sox.
"I used to think my career in sports," Limegrover said, "would be as general manager of a baseball team."
It might have happened that way, too; his college classmate and White Sox co-worker, Kim Ng, is now assistant general manager of the Dodgers. "I sit here thinking, 'That could have been me,'" he said.
But after graduating from the prestigious University of Chicago, where he played offensive line on the NCAA Division III football team, Limegrover wasn't sure where his career would take him.
"Just before graduation, all my buddies were doing interviews for Harvard Business School or some big financial companies, and I was building in-ground swimming pools," Limegrover said. "Then my football coach from college said, 'Hey, I've got a job that pays $250 for the entire fall.' I took it. I rode the bus to work, and I lived on a buddy's porch, and I learned to coach football. And I've never looked back."
That's because Limegrover, a Pittsburgh native who also interned for the Pirates, eventually became an assistant coach at Ferris State in Michigan, where he met a bright young head coach at nearby Saginaw Valley State, a guy named Jerry Kill.
"I remember how I met him -- his offensive line whipped our butts one weekend," Kill said. "As I got to know more about him, I had a great deal of respect for how he did things."